Originally Posted by Crea
Don't know if this is exactly a nationwide "rule", but when I was in Tokyo, my friends told me to keep left at all times, like on sidewalks and especially escalators. On sidewalks it's less 'enforced' but in general crowds walk on the same side of the street.
Sort of related to this, I'd love to know if there is any sort of "unofficial rule" in regards to who is expected to get out of who's way when confronted with a bicyclist as a walker. My friend and I had a lot of trouble knowing who should move (i.e., the walker getting out of the way of the bicyclist or the bicyclist going around the walker), and it seemed like we always made the wrong choice and ended up frustrating the bicyclist, even with us on the correct side of the sidewalk. Ultimately, we sort of ended up with an uneasy truce of us getting out of the way of bikers coming towards us, but letting those coming up from behind go around. Still, I'd love to know the unofficial rule (if one even exists) for the next trip.