Thread: Larc~en~ciel
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Diryavi (Offline)
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Location: New England N.H
Smile Konachan... - 07-02-2008, 12:46 AM

Konachan I don't know if you know this, but he has a kid too. I bet he or she is so cute! I think Hyde makes a wonderful dad! But he's still hot! I love the song Poem and Shallow Sleep! I also have Last Quarter and Moon Child so I can watch Hyde any time at any day down in my basement with out any one disrupting me.

And I don't care that he's in his 40's he looks awesome for his age!

I hope to see him and his band come through my town or Boston so I can see them live!

Oh don't cry , if you like Gackt, Hyde's buddy he's single he got a divorced and I think he plans on being single for the time being. But don't quote me I could be wrong. I also heard that he dose not want any kids. So if you don't want any kids and Gackt is your 2nd choice than go for it! But you have to be around his age and have allot of money to travel to Japan to see him ever so often and maybe you can meet Hyde in the process!

Take care!


Last edited by Diryavi : 07-02-2008 at 12:48 AM.
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