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(#3 (permalink))
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MrDrEsq (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 42
Join Date: Feb 2008
07-02-2008, 06:15 AM

are you taking japanese in school?
本日 is for stuff like "today's special". usage here is not appropriate. use 今日 and stick to it for a while, you know, until you start writing about the pan seared ahi tuna steaks.

if it were me i wouldn't have been reading deathnote, but pretending i did, and pretending i was pretending to be you, this is what i would write:
今日は雨がざあざあ降ってきたから、外で何もしていな かった。代わりに、たくさんの『deathnote』というまんが を読んだり、ギターでブルース曲を弾いたりしていた。 それで,終わり。
because it rained to day, i didn't to anything outside. Instead i did things like reading a lot of deathnote and playing music (i assumed you meant on the guitar, and i assumed you were playing the blues since it was raining). the end.

since it's you and this is probably for class:
今日は雨でした。外で何もしませんでした。たくさんの deathnoteを読みました。音楽をひきました。終わります。

your orthography is probably the least of your concerns particularly for kanji like ensou. my advice would be to get your particles down.
anyway, glad you posted
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