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JF Ossan
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07-02-2008, 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by Amnell View Post
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'd probably get really irritated if I went all the way to Japan and heard Spanish...

I would think, "As if I don't hear that often enough at home, when I go on vacation to get away from everything that is 'home', I have to hear it here, too! >_< "

Out of curiosity, how popular is Mexican food in Japan? Is it near as prolific as it is hear in California? Do they Japan-ify the Mexican food like McDonald's has done?
I love it when people say "Not to sound racist" and then proceed to say something incredibly racist.

But to answer your question:
I don't ever remember seeing Mexican food in Japan. The closest thing (goegraphically) was Brazillian food.
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