07-03-2008, 12:45 AM
1.Don't walk around unarmed saying " hello" when you know there's a possibility of someone roaming around your house waiting to kill you.
2.If that grudge bitch is after your ass... don't go anywhere alone... and when your dead sister says " don't go into that house" don't and awhile you're at it leave Japan.
3.If there are zombies roaming around keep your skin covered when you go play outside.
4.If you're so important that even the devil feels the need to personally fuck you, don't have the baby and if you do don't be surprised when everyone starts dying or when it eats its pet hamster.
5.Last but not least... if you run into Machine Girl, have manners.
"The sky is cryin...
Can't you see the tears roll down the street?"
- Stevie Ray Vaughan