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(#24 (permalink))
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SatoriOne (Offline)
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Location: Japan
07-03-2008, 01:35 AM

The real problem here is not the food crisis but rather the weather crisis. It is irregular weather patterns that are impacting harvests. Moreover it is only getting worse. If global warming continues unchecked the rise of temperature in the world's oceans will cause an enormous drop off in precipitation cycles. This means less rain, worldwide desertification and less farmable land.

It also does not help that man is cutting down vegetation at an alarming pace. The Amazon rainforest ecosystem will collapse in 20 years. That also effects weather patterns and atmospheric CO2 levels. And that is but one example.

I fear humans are setting themselves up for a sudden downfall. Im not saying it would be the end of humanity, but rather an end to the comfortable and wasteful lifestyles we have come to know. There is no way we can continue on doing what we are doing to nature. Everything has a limit.
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