If we all put down our barriers and stopped saying " This land is mine" and actually attempted to take care of one another then China would have no worries butttt that's very unlikely to happen.
Incidentally, particularly here in America, such an idea is despised and tossed aside because we the "greatest, most free" country in the world thinks that would lead to communism, and we wouldn't want anything related to that because the few of us who actually have a say (the rich, if you can't figure it out) would have to give up their luxurious lifestyles, wouldn't they?
Short of massacreing millions of people, there really isn't a way to eliminate over-population. Although, if there is indeed a major food shortage world wide, then that means that nature is about to balance itself. With less food, population growth would stem and the global census for the rest of history would read 6.2 billion or whatever.
Maybe I'm just incredibly cold, but I see plenty of people in the world that we could EASILY "trim" out of the circuit, so to speak... Major criminals being in the high slots on my list.
As you can probably tell, I support Kira's ideals. Not the execution, just the ideals.
Of course, there's always the potential of a "false accusation." However, when there's over-whelming evidence against the perp, and ESPECIALLY if he's a repeat offender, I don't see the point in sending him to jail and using the tax payers money to give him three square meals and a roof over his head, just HOPING that he won't get out of jail and commit the same crime again, this time with more "street cred."
But, that's just my oppinion on how to lower the population. Not to mention, it would lead to a much safer and inevitably happier world. Sure, it might only be safe because of fear, but looking through the past it seems that the ONLY way to maintain peace amongst human being is to put the fear in them.
After all, the Cold War never fully exploded, because both sides were afraid of the nukes, am I not right? (Note the word "fully," as in all out between the US and Russia)
The real problem here is not the food crisis but rather the weather crisis. It is irregular weather patterns that are impacting harvests. Moreover it is only getting worse. If global warming continues unchecked the rise of temperature in the world's oceans will cause an enormous drop off in precipitation cycles. This means less rain, worldwide desertification and less farmable land.
After reading this, I've been thinking...
What if there USED to be life on Mars, but they did the same thing to their planet that we're doing now? Maybe that's why it's more-or-less just a huge desert...