Originally Posted by Hip
3 out of 5 people you see walking around America is dressed like I listed above. The rest are wearing a business outfit..or your random fashion genres.
Not in north Texas. Its more like 1 in 5. But depending on the neighborhood it could change drastically. 4 of 5 in some and 0 in 5 in others. Suits are common if you work downtown in a city, but not after 5pm and not in the suburbs - they are too hot for the climate and too formal. Most guys are in slacks and golf shirts, or jean and t-shirts after work. As for the women, the styles are all over the map, though fairly toned down. But we do have the bleached blonde syndrome in abundance. At least 3 out of 5 women have either gone completely blonde, or have heavy blonde highlighting. It would make my natural white streaks rather fashionable - if I were willing to dye them blonde and lighten the rest.