Thread: Alice Nine
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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07-04-2008, 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
You all want Shou's legs,
but I just want Hiroto in general. O_O
Nope, I didn't just say that.
This PV seriously killed me, I haven't been breathing properly for the past 4 hours or whatever it's been. XD

And I'm so getting pair of white shutters at Hot Topic. XDD
hehe... well, yeah. *blushes*
well, I'd say you could have him... I don't like him enough yet. Oh, you mean Shou's glasses...

Originally Posted by UtakataChan View Post
HOLY CRAP. *Just watched that vid for the first time*

The song is so catchy.

Shou is adorable still! With those bedroom eyes and that vocal "Heeeeee!" thing towards the end.

And I swear.. Hiroto.. gets less and less cute, and more and more SEXY everytime I see something new from them.
exactly!! Hiroto is no longer cute..... just sexy sexy sexy!! *dies a thousand deaths*

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post

It totally reminds me of that new year's comment they made a while ago.

Hiroto: ''My resolution is to become hotter and hotter!''
Saga: ''I shall become more and more sexy''

X'D It was funnier than it seems. -lmao-
I guess they fulfilled their resolutions pretty quick. XD -giggle-
well, they sure did that.

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post

Gekkou Yoku PV was released!!

It's not as exciting as 'Rainbows'
but it's still cool. And they look soooo good<33
The moon breaking apart thing really made me 'wtf' it. XD
But the cool special effect thing that like blended them together was killer. ^^
Yeah, and I really love the song. The song was much better than the PV. XD
I missed the moon breaking apart.... I'll just have to watch it again!! XD!!

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
YAY! Nao's hair is so fluffy! *grabs hair*<3

omg! O_O did you notice how he hit that note on the pitch RIGHT ON!
In the beginning?? FUCK that was insane!
His hair is fluffy? o_O while we're grabbing. *grabs Nao himself* (*waits to be in trouble*)

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
@Nan Yush! He's such a great singer. *nods*

Okay, I haven't found this on YouTube yet, so I'm giving you all the download link. Yush, I'm such a hotlinker. XD
Haha anyways! It is SO hilarious! Nao's laughing and Tora's high voice! OMG! I'm like crying over here. I'm forcing you all to watch it! XDD
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ooh... I'm so downloading this on Saturday.

@yinnie...I'm sorry I don't.

oh... in case I'm not on tomorrow.... Happy Birthday, Shou!!!

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....

Last edited by Miyavifan : 07-04-2008 at 02:39 AM.
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