Thread: Country names
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(#13 (permalink))
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Payne222 (Offline)
un américain
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07-04-2008, 04:58 AM

Hmmm, let's list some more!!!

But really quick, to Suki:
Yeah, I actually HATE American Football..
Soccer...or Football, Futbol, Whatever you call it in Spain,
is my sport! Haha XD

Ok!!! (Some repeats may occur, sorry...)

English - German

United States of America - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (Ohh! Technical! XD)
Canada - Kanada
Mexico - Mexiko
England - Vereinigtes Königreich
Portugal - Portugal
Spain - Spanien
France - Frankreich
Germany - Deutschland
Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein
Switzerland - die Schweiz
Austria - Österriech
Netherlands - Niederlande
Italy - Italien
Denmark - Dänemark
Hungary - Ungarn
Poland - Polen
Greece - Greichenland
Turkey - die Türkei
Russia - Russland
Japan - Japan
South Korea - Südkorea
People's Republic of China - Volksrepublik China

Hell, even cities can be spelled different!


Tokyo - Tokio
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