Thread: Gackt
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MrsKadaj (Offline)
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07-04-2008, 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
There's no need to be insulting. I have seen older pics of him, and to me he looks exactly the same, and if he had plastic surgery, his features would look different. also... you do know Asian people generally age very well, right?
I know Asians age very well.

My mother is half Japanese and she doesn't look her age. But she has changed over the years, she doesn't look exactly the same as she does ten years ago. My grandmother is 72, but she looks like she's about 60.

Of course he hasn't changed. Plastic surgery for him is to preserve his look. He obviously has a good surgeon.

It's obvious it's more than his nose. His jaws doesn't look natural, and his eyes look... tight. If that makes any sense.

He just doesn't look right.
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