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fluffy0000 (Offline)
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sorta not - 07-04-2008, 06:26 PM

Farming is big business and does'nt operate without money and business. Unless your describing subsistence farming which unfortunately is what 3rd World countrys have too operate with? According to UN and UN food program fyi UNF has spent over 612 million (USD) dollars on food for hungry people and needs more. For example UNF assists Ethiopia to reach an additional 4.7 million people in response to the government's urgent appeal for food and nutrition assistance to avoid hunger-related deaths in the coming months. According too UNF they are hard pressed too meet the minimum demands due to civil wars and natural disasters like climate change especially in Southeast Asia. The US provides 60% of all the corn -1/3 soybean crop - 1/4 rice that transported across international borders-according to 08' Crop reports for US soybean and corn are 10-20% behind last years crop due too rain. Due too low supply of key commodities in US due too weather ( rain ). Droughts and rising fuel prices too transport key commodities are another factor in continued 'world food crisis' according to UNF 08' sources.
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