Thread: The Kanji Kraze
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(#197 (permalink))
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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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07-06-2008, 01:31 AM

Originally Posted by Nisseki View Post
雨, 夜の静寂

the first means rain. i like it because when i was 5 i watched sagwa and ive known how to write it ever sence. pronounced: ame

the second means stillness of the night. it kindda has this erie feel to it. pronounced: yoru no shijina

Welcome to the thread!

It may have been a typo but 静寂 is read 'しじ'、not 'しじ'. Also, しじま is the literary reading of the word and its usual dictionary reading is せいじゃく. It's wonderful that you already know this word.
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