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noodle (Offline)
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07-06-2008, 06:09 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Noodle, that map is pretty crappy.

Just get a road map of Europe and you will come to realize the distance between towns is very small. I dont think there is much room. But I guess the point between our views comes down to I understand man contributes to global warming, where as you tend to be slightly deluded.

Space is not as much the issue as enviroment is. But I think it goes without saying there is a shortage of good farming land. I have been in many planes, and I can tell you over the major flight routes, at least, there are few precious square inches of this land that are not in paddocks yet. The whole planet that I have seen from the air looks like a patch work quilt.
Okay, the map is pretty crappy

I don't think you get what I meant. Let's take europe for example. It's densly populated and build up. What's stopping us from doing the same thing in say, Africa! You don't need arable land to live in the desert, look at the likes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc. The problem, is more what Odin was talking about. It's the arable land. But even then, like they say, if there is a will, there is a way. Maybe I shouldn't have said the word "easily", but it is definately possible.

Are you serious? I don't think you've been on as many planes as you claim you have. What you said is only true when landing or departing. But, as soon as you get pretty high, you will see much much more greenary. (hint, go check out google earth)
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