Originally Posted by jrocka83
I don't think there is anything wrong with a yukata or kimono, being worn by a foriegner. I ware a Jinbei (Mens Yukata) sometimes. It is a compliment to Japanese Culture to ware.
Yukata's are used for festivals, parties, and girls coming of age day (20 years old)
Kimono's are used for very formal events like weddings, dinner balls, and funerals.
If you ware one, you should learn how to ware it correctly or you will be a baka-jin(stupid person).
Most importantly, where it left over right.! If you where it the opposite way, that means you are dead. Japanese ware the Kimono right over left when they are dead.
Also, they have a foriegner class kimo competition every year in tokyo. My buddy just won second place. He looks damn good. Its to bad the foriegners cant compete against the nationals, Japanese don't want to get there ass kicked in there own tradition.
Sasebo sailor shows his kimono know-how | Stars and Stripes