07-06-2008, 12:05 PM
You shouldn't make her feel like she isn't good enough. You should like her for who she is, not what her breasts are like. I'm sure you do, but you have to make it clear that you don't want anyone but her. It's awful for a women to feel like she isn't what you wanted or that she is inferior to other women in your eyes. I don't know why you told her you find other things attractive other than her in the first place, that can be pretty hurtful you know. Nobody is perfect, obviously, but saying you like women with big breasts when she hasn't got big breasts isn't a good way to go about things. In any case, don't let her go through something like that for no reason. A women should do these things for herself, not for a man. If you think she is beautiful, tell her so. And if you don't like her for who she is already, then why did you marry her? I'm sure you do anyway, just make sure she's aware of that. Women do things like that because they are insecure, normally, so make sure she doesn't feel like that. Just my opinion there.