I am the White Testament
Posts: 378
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Canada
07-06-2008, 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by TalnSG
While I agree that many gajiin look really odd wearing traditional Japanese clothing, and often because they have put it on wrong like Nagoyankee mentioned, or chosen the wrong style for the occasion, I think it is their choice.
Just as it was the ground-breaking Japanese who first dared to dress in western clothes decades ago. And some of the reasons they first crossed that cultural barrier were the same. Either they wanted to try to fit in more, or they wanted to rebel against their own community, or they just happend to really like the style.
I have been wearing yukata and haori for about 30 years. I rarely wear yukatas or my kimonos outside the house (it would be a bit strange in Texas), and usually I don't wear them belted as they shoud be, unless I am entertaining guests.
But I have worn one of my haori even to work. I am seriously considering expanding my selection of haori so that I can replace all my suit coats. I often need to wear jackets to work because the dress code requires me wear sleeves, but they are uncomfortable in 100 degree weather. The construction of the haori is far more suitable for the climate, and the appearance is one I prefer to western lines anyway.
Ah, that's true.