I am self-teaching myself some Japanese, too. At least, some basic ones just to understand a little bit when/if I ever visit Japan, meet someone who is Japanese/listen to Japanese convos, etc. Things like that. A site I use reference a lot is
GenkiJapan.net. It really helps a lot if you are a beginner. The person in charge of the site replies kinda fast if you have any questions. He's quite good. :] I am still a beginner, so I need a few advice tips, too.
My methods of learning is by reviewing over my Japanese notes for a long, long time (At least 20 minutes a day or something) until I can get them by memory; review my pocket Japanese phrases book, and basically use some Japanese words to describe stuff, like I would say to myself, "Today is Nichi Youbi (Sunday)." And I know it's kinda odd to use English + Japanese word in a sentence. XD I don't know how to say "Today is. . ." yet. :S
Okay, enough of this explaining stuff. Does anyone have any more advice? I need help with the grammar. I only know simple words and numbers, months, days, etc. It would help a lot for any tips.