Thread: Tokyo fashion?
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(#13 (permalink))
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SuGrocks (Offline)
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Location: i live in wonderland!!!!!!!!!!
07-06-2008, 08:39 PM

hmm...where i live ppl are usually like this:
girls: skinny jeans, tee shirts with invader zim or some band usually from hot topic, colorful shoes, facial piercings...emo haircuts or scene. then theres you're average hippy, wearing thrift shop clothing and usually a big druggie. Or the mexican chics and im not trying to be racist, im mexican but i dont dress like this...anyway, they wear really hairsprayed hair with tight blue jeans with no back pockets, draw it yourself really black eyebrows, gold jewlery on cheap and thin gold chains, and too tight for your bod shirts. and the way their eyebrows are drawn on make them appear angry 24/7.

guys: either mexican gangsters, or mexican wanna be gangsters with dress like shirts and pants that fall off their butt, or long white socks, big white shirt like a dress, shaved head or just about, white shoes, and a thin white binder for school. yup....boring. and of course there are the preppy surfer or skater guys with abercombie and fitch clothes or however you spell it.
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