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(#163 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
07-07-2008, 09:06 AM

Originally Posted by blimp View Post
u r probably right that i could do with a wee clarification even though we seem to agree on at least the first point.

four areas where i think japan suck, or as they say in my line of business, four areas with improvement potential.

respect for traffic rules - cars drive against red, ppl ride bikes on the pavement (even coppers do this), cars not using blinkers, cars not letting pedestrians cross at zebra crossings and so on.

smoking - too many japanese ppl smoke, and not enough is done to accommodate non-smokers

view on women - women r still discriminated against

bank service - banks close to early, they charge for bank transfers, some banks even charge for bank transfers within the same bank, just different branches, it takes to long to do things, it took my two hours to open an account and still some of the benefits with that account takes one and a half months to kick in
This stuff doesn't sound so bad either, just different. I don't think women are discriminated against as much as westerners think. Women have power id different spheres.
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