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Henbaka (Offline)
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07-07-2008, 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
before the plow in a few societies women were respected because they brought in a majority of the calories among hunter and gatherers. Among agricultural societies women perform most of the drudge work including building houses, raising animals, cooking, farming, raising children and so on. while the men sit and watch for enemies, that usually don't come. in either case, women perform much more work than men. Only in very few hunter gatherer societies such as the San of the kalihari is there a realistic egalitarianism.

what you have to see in Japan is that women have a different type of power than men. there is what's called a division of labor between the sexes, where each has it's roles and responsibilities. Ever notice how women manage the money and give their husband's an allowance, which is rarely as much as they want, even though they earn it?
I don't believe it's a problem to have different types of power between sexes. The problem arises when a person are not allowed or has a harder time doing something because they are of the wrong sex.


Last edited by Henbaka : 07-07-2008 at 01:45 PM.
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