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TalnSG (Offline)
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07-07-2008, 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
Don't people in most places of the world take off their shoes when entering someones home? I would never just walk into someones house with my shoes on (Sweden). I mean, come on, how often can you walk outside, and not get your shoes atleast a little bit dirty/dusty/wet?
No, in most countries I have visited (all western hemisphere), you are not expected to remove your shoes unless, of course, you would be tracking in mud, slush or snow.

However, sometimes the reason is necessity, rather than merely custom. In Japanese homes (and one room of my own house) when there are tatami mats on the floor, shoes would quickly ruin them. You must not ever walk on them with any hard sole because it breaks the fiber.

Personally removing ones shoes is a custom I have appreciated ever since I noticed stilletto heels marring my hardwood floors.

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