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(#185 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
07-07-2008, 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by blimp View Post
the question is not whether or not they want to do it.
the question is whether or not they have, in reality, the same chance.
Your idea is understood. But it's very western and just as petrified. Think about how much more difficult it is in America now that women have fully entered the workplace. Families can hardly get by with one salary and a woman almost has to work even if she wants to stay home with child. If she does choose to do that she is looked down on by "professional" women. Women who work also do double shifts at home, or pay another person to raise their children. Women are now free to dress like men and are confused because they've been told you can have it all, but you can't. Every decision comes with a loss. They work on their career until their too old to find a good unmarried man or until it becomes difficult to bear children. then comes the hard feelings because they've denied their woman-hood and biology their whol lives and feel unfullfilled.

Not always so great either way. I'm tired of listening to western women in Japan knock Japanese women and all the "oppression."
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