Originally Posted by Henbaka
I agree foreign people shouldn't try to come and say what's what.
However, American women have to deal with the men from Japanese corporations and that can get tense. We sometimes encounter a dismissive attitude even when on our own turf because of the lingering sentiments that have been mentioned here, and that some Japanese businessmen expect from all women. Its a rather unpleasant hurdle for those of us who have a career because we want one, rather than being forced by circumstance to have one.
So far, I have always managed to clear that hurdle, but it is still starts of a business relationship with my being subtley insulted. I do not, however, go and tell them to correct this in their businesses. I think it is far better to teach them by example, that they should reconsider how they view women in the workplace.
By seeing that some business women do not simply mark time waiting to become a housewife, they are more likely to gradually and permanently change their attitudes, than if it is thrust upon them. And it seems to be working, because I meet fewer of those types these days.