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TalnSG (Offline)
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07-07-2008, 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I recall his speech being that no matter how hard men in the government may sit around talking about how the population should increase, and coming up with grand schemes... It all comes down to women - There is a limited number of women, and in that population there is a limited number of "baby producing units" ie. functional wombs with willing owners - so it is best we can do is to ask them to do their best for the population.

In other words, instead of old men sitting around trading theories, why not ask those who really do have the power to increase the population to do their best.

If you ignore his wording, I think what he said is very accurate, and is in fact empowering to women as he refers to them as the ones with the power, and refers to asking/begging them to do their best.
Thank you for the translation. As one of the many here who do not speak Japanese, even being able to read it didn't help get the actual meaning.

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