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SSJup81 (Offline)
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07-08-2008, 02:46 AM

The thing is, I already know not to use a lot of pronouns in Japanese and to not keep using "I", which is why I was trying, earlier in that letter message I was writing, to use words like "dakedo" or "dakara" etc., even though you informed me that it doesn't look as nice to use those types of words (I have to look again at what you wrote).

I was just wondering, when would one use the whole "Watashi wa (name) desu" thing which is taught in formal Japanese classes. That's also why I asked, what if you're introducing yourself to a group of people. I just find it awkward that I would be taught something that I would never use in an actual Japanese setting.

It's not like Spanish, where most teachers don't teach in "Vosotros" form because it's not really used anymore and is pretty much native to just Spain, not other Spanish speaking countries.
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