Originally Posted by jrocka83
I wouldn't react the same way. That was the type of reaction, that I expect from a JET ELT, who has nothing better to do than sit around and bullshit at home.
I`m certainly not a JET, and I went to work between my Japanese reply and my reply to MMM. I replied to your message because of something you yourself point out below; THIS.
But, every forum I have been on there are always the people who think there the the Bag of Doritos. The types that think have all the facts, and all there pawns, and everyone elses opinion and knowledge is just bullshit.
You sure sounded like one of those types, which happen to be one of my pet peeves.
I much rather network and become friends with other people in Japan like myself, then to have flame wars with people in the states.
Last time I checked, I didn`t live in the states. Check my location. It`s accurate.