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07-08-2008, 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by Diryavi View Post
Mana Lolita, Kyo Loilta, Gackt Lolita, Alice9 Lolita, Can you pick which one you would like to come to your door dressed as a Lolita? And what type would fit their personality?

Gackt would make a good Vampire/Goth Lolita. Hey he was with Mana and Mana could have rubbed off on him, and besides he would look so hot as one Gackt could even pull off Sweet Lolita if he wanted too.

Kyo would make a good punk Lolita because he's a monster in my closet and he's all rock and sweet would just look silly on him.

Mana would make a good Gothic Lolita didn't he invented the whole craze?

Alice9 the boys would be Sweet Lolita because they are sooo yummy and would look so beautiful in their cute little frilly outfits that I want to collect them all!

And the one I would love to come to my door dressed as a Lolita would have to be Kyo and if he can't come then Gackt would be the one. Ha, Ha, Ha,
Mana did not invent the style, just popularise it. Before him, it was a style that was very underground and considered very hard core. Personaly, I've never been much of a Malice Mizer fan, though I did like the song Beast of Blood. And I don't like Gackt, personaly, either. I'm more of a Screw, Dir En Grey, Maximum The Hormone kinda girl myself.
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