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Gackt21 (Offline)
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07-08-2008, 11:35 AM

Within the next weeks, Geordie and Mitsukai hung out in the palace wait for the snow to disappear. They were laughing and joking about things when Mitsukai decided to go get a snack from the kitchen and that is when trouble hit. Lockhart closed the door to the kitchen and grabbed Mitsukai using a drug in a napkin to put her unconuous. Soon Geordie noticed that Mitsukai had not come back and he went to the kitchen finding her gone. "Mitsukai, where are ye?" Geordie yelled in pain of his fiance disappearing then remembered that Lockhart had wanted her and he gathered his men. "They have not gone far find her and bring Lockhart to me to answer for his crimes." Geordie got into his winter clothing grabbed his sword and then jumped on his horse then rode off to find his wife to be with his men. Geordie now had an idea who had her and sent some of his men out looking for her.
Mitsukai layed in the dark tent with Lockhart looking at her hungryly. "Thy tis mine," Lockhart said evilly. Mitsukai spat in his face. "I am not yours. Geordie will find ye and kill ye." Lockhart hit her across the face. Then he jumped on her, pulling off her clothing to get ready to rape her but was distracted when one of his men needed his help with something. Geordie and his tracker were coming upon the Lockhart camp to serve justice to Lockhart for the murders of Mitsukai family. When Lord Lockhart left the tent to get something, Lord Urusai sneaked in and freed his daughter giving her katana so that she could fight her way out. Yoshi, Kyru, Urias, Geordie and his trackers fought there way out of the camp with Lord Lockhart as a captive back to the keep for a proper trial and putting to death. Mitsukai rode with Geordie, she was tired and feeling sick at the time signalling she might be pregnant with Geordie's child. "Thank ye so much, Geordie. Ye will be the greatest husband I have ever had." Geordie smiled at his wife and took her hand. "Ye looks tired. I will have one of your brothers take ye to your room." When they got home Geordie told Yoshi to take her up to their room and let her get some rest. "Aye milord."Yoshi nods and takes his sister upstairs to their bedroom. Yoshi sat with his sister and waited for the midwife to come see Mitsukai. Geordie had ordered the midwife come in and take care of Mitsukai while he dealt with Lockhart. Geordie walked out to Lockhart who was all tied up and bloody from the beatings he was getting. Geordie came to stand infront of Lockhart and took out his sword to behead Lockhart for his murders of Mitsukai parents. "By our laws and the laws of the Japanese ye will die a samurai's death. Ye will also die for what ye did to me wife family," Geordie says angerly. Geordie raises the sword and swings down beheading Lockhart. Geordie then picks up Lockhart's head and hands to his men to display in town square to warn anyone who wishes his lovely wife any harm they will pay with their lives. "Show the towns people what happens if they hurt me wife and her family." Geordie went to see his wife and how she was doing. Geordie was greeted by Yoshi, "She calls for ye milord. Lay with her." Geordie puts his hand on Yoshi's shoulder. "Thank ye me lad. I will. Ye may go to bed." Yoshi bowed and left the room and went to his own to get rest. Yoshi was a young man with a long black braid down his back and eyes of the river blue. Yoshi was medium height for a Japanese man. Kyru had already gone to his room for the night for he was the most soft spoken of the boys. Kyru wore his hair short up like a samurai and his eyes were brown like his sister's eyes. Geordie walked up the stairs to his wife's bed jumping into bed, and sent the midwife away so he could rest with his wife to be. Everyone sleep well knowing that Rika was no longer there to hurt his wife and family.
Gaven sat at home crying for his son's foolishness. Gaven was getting too old to have kids anymore and wept uncontrolablely. "Rika, ye tis a fool. Ye gave your life for someone who did not want ye." Gaven's wife walked over and hugged her husband. "Do not worry me love. Rika is not worth our tears. He choose his path and I warned ye to stop him." Gaven's wife held him letting him cry for his son and she shed tears for her son's lose but not for his foolish choic to end his life trying to have what did not belong to him.
The next day all the planning for the wedding starts taking place. They sat in discussion all day about the chapel, the flowers and the decarations. Mitsukai also asked that her father go to Japan and have kimonos made up for them. Lord Urusai left for Japan with his daughters orders to have the finest kimonos made up this wedding. Other things were to be brought from Japan as well. It took her father one year to get everything and bring it back, while Geordie help his family ready for the day by teaching then the customs that the Japanese had for marriage. When her father arrived with the bridesmaids and groomsmen kimonos and the lanters for the parade to the chapel. While they waited for her father to return Mitsukai had her son, Ryo. Ryo was a little thing with black hair, black eyes and the strength of a Samurai.


Last edited by Gackt21 : 07-10-2008 at 02:59 PM.
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