Originally Posted by Aoiru
Hello, everyone.
It has been long. I'm sorry for late reply.
A girl from europe was visiting at Japan.
Therefore, I do now answerings.
Hello DarkRyu!
I don't know many rockgroup. But I like such like;
-Acid Black Cherry
-Maximum the hormone
-The Gazette
-Luna Sea
There is many more too.
A friend? Yes, I have. I'm sorry I couldn't understand the question well. (>_<ゞ
Hello, Rebeccaさん! ('-'*)♪
You are very talented, it is truly great~
Please, lets be friends!
e? he? ( ;^^)へ..
Hello, Neoark!
Music it is really a great thing. (・ε・)ノ
Yes, lets be friends~
Okay, I will then send soon email. ^^
Oh, you mean HIDEROCK designs clothes? Yes, they are really great! *o*
I mean do u have some friends here in forum whit who i could chat?