Thread: Long Distance
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Laine (Offline)
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07-09-2008, 04:38 AM

honestly, i wouldn't be able to have a long distance relationship. i would want to experience every aspect of the person, be able to evaluate them with all of my senses - touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing. i can't consider it dating if there's only an exchange of words (and photos, you could say).

besides all that, two people can be intellectually compatible, but that doesn't mean they're sexually compatible -- just as two people can have intense sexual chemistry, but no emotional connection (which is actually similar to what i'm experiencing right now, but i digress.)

anyway, i'm sure other people can enjoy long distance relationships but for me, personally, no way.

(besides all that, i'm basically commitment-phobic. so i don't see a desire to bond myself with someone so far away when there are so many other people available right in the fine city in which i live.)

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