Hey Everyone
Writing this thread for my friend
Tom who would like to travel to Japan and possibly work over there as a carpenter.
please bare with me as iv gota try remember off the top of my head what questions he wanted me to ask - plz tell me if any dont make sense and ill ring and ask him.
Carpenters Wages in Japan? (cert 3?) his finished his apprenticeship and is just working full time with his original boss.
Qualifications? he finished school in year 10 (not completing VCE he would of had 2 more years to go of highschool) but thats usually the age kids leave school in Aus if they are planning to do an apprenticeship, he did a pre apprenticeship for 5 months (at a TAFE) and then he did
3 and a half years on site work learning the skills of becoming a carpenter - when he finished he recieved his
Cert 3 and became a
fully qualified carpenter, would this be acceptable to go for a job in Japan? so he didnt finish highschool or go to university but he ended up with a university Cert 3 and is considered "
fully qualified" here in Australia
Work hours? he works 8 and a half hours a day (7:30AM - 4PM) here in Aus which is very standard.. thats basically what all tradies work (well 8 hours

how are Carpenters, Builders viewed in Japan? is it considered a lower class job? i know that here in Aus due to lack of tradies his actually on very good money.. and that tradies here are not looked down upon as "drop outs" or anything like that..
Structural Differances? he said the (I will probably word this wrong) like.. are the houses built differant? differant materials?
Getting a job in Japan? - will he need excellent japanese language skills for this job? he knows his way around the construction site.. so im guessing unless theres major differances in architecture he should be fine.. alltho applying and getting a job could be the problem -
availability for carpentry jobs in japan? as i said before Aus atm has a shortage of tradies (well compared to years ago) so theres no trouble for them getting jobs.. so he would like to know what the industry is like..
oh yeah he works on
domestic building at the moment so you know peoples
houses extensions etc.. he would prefer to stay in
domestic (even tho commercial carpenters make way more money) (well in Aus they do)
so that brings me to his last question (i think) he mentioned he would like to be around a major city (tokyo being #1 preferance) and would like to know if theres much work around those big cities (remembering he would like to do domestic.. but would consider commercial if it would keep him in the city)
OR would he have to go to a more rural area to get the sort of job he wanted?
any info would be great and hopefully i can get a few questions answered for him
JoshAussie & Tom