Originally Posted by EveV
The only way we can help animals is to be more environmental friendly.
We could also breed captive bats at a heavy rate to increase the population.
I think they tried that when the mexican bat population in the Texas Hill Country was waning, and it didn't go very well. Not sure whether it was the captivity in general that caused more problems or just that they wouldn't breed in those conditions.
But Eve's right, the environmental factors are critical - especially with bats.
There are only 3 major things that most people can do to promote the bat population:
(1) clean up the environment,
(2) educate yourself and others not to disturb any living colonies,
(3) put up bat houses if you have any in the area. They won't always use them, but if they do they will usually stay. And if not, you have been out that much effort or expense.
There is a good organization to learn more and assist.....
Bat Conservation International
I've been a member ever since their logo was the doubled chinese calligraphy for bats, back inthe mid 1980s.