Originally Posted by NanteNa
Ore@ I'd love that<3
We should get together sometime.. on MSn.. XD Haha!
Miyavifan@ I know the feeling. It's so frustrating. But since YOU're the author, you pretty much decide it yourself. X'D I have a friend who wrote a fic about Saga being a pimp. O_O
oh... that's true. *hugs you*
well.. I
think I can picture that...
Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel
*scratches back of head*
im also writing my alice nine ficcus right now =o.
part 5 will be up soon..
need to re-sort the notes and stuff and a bit start to write =).
Finaly came up with a good plot...O_o;;
oh... three of us writing arisu!! though you're farther than I am, LFA.... *hugs*
Originally Posted by orewasenshi
Hell, I could help both of you if you want!! And Nan, Ore has no MSN ;w; Her compie is ghey and can't run it since it's old.
oh... that would be great ore!!
what IM program do you use?