Originally Posted by Nathan
No real need to be giving complete rubbish replies sir.
Asking their name really depends on the situation. If you are just meeting them, you shouldn't have to ask as you will introduce yourself to each other. If you forgot, simply state so as politely as possible:
すみません、お名前を忘れました。 (sumimasen, oname o wasuremashita)
"I'm sorry, I forgot your name."
[X]さんは何歳ですか? (X-san ha nan sai desu ka?)
"How old are you X?"
The "as such" part, I really don't know what more you're looking for.
I know, Just joking

No one has a sense of humer here?
Also kinda scarcastic reply, becuase those are easy to find in the language forums.
Do you like Yakisoba?