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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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07-10-2008, 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by Diryavi View Post
I don't expect people to save them from around the world but I want people to be aware that this is happing and if the scientist can't figure out the cure or why this is happening, then it might spread and the population might go down drastically. We need these creatures I would love to save all of them but I know no matter how hard I try to save them it might not be enough. I just want to try to educate and stop the fear of bats because they get such a bad wrap even snakes and if we loose the bats we will be over run by bugs. I'm doing this because I love bats and enjoy what they do for us.

Well that's cool. Educating people is always a good thing
Bats only get a bad rep cos people are cowards. Much like how they kill anything they are afraid of, especially things like spiders. I can understand the snake phobia because if you don't kill a poisonous one, you might be dead instead. So defensively I can't argue with that.
There's no excuse for going out and retardedly killing things though and turning them into an endangered species.

"It's illogical to drive a species to extinction."

"Who said the human race was logical?"

Truth Hurts

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