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Suki (Offline)
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07-11-2008, 10:47 AM

Why is there so much controversy over Amnell's words? o.O You guys are in serious need for some distraction... What he said makes perfect sense, no one wants to travel half the globe to end up hearing people speak a language you hear all the time when at home.

However, it's true that the title of the thread might have come off a bit offensive cause it sounds as if he wants to avoid Mexicans at all costs. But anyways, as MMM pointed out, nowadays it is hard to find a single spot on Earth that's not been approached by all living cultures, so it's stupid to ask whether whatever culture can be found in whatever place.

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
I think Spain is a beautiful country, but I don't like going there because I seem to see more english people than spanish people. It defeats the point of a cultural experience.
True. It's crazy. I swear, when going out at night I always end up talking in English way more than Spanish or Catalan. It's kinda sad because that way, English-speakers get used to not making the effort to speak the language of the place they're in, but whatever.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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