Thread: help please
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godwine (Offline)
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07-11-2008, 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by Nadea View Post
hello everyone, i am in love with most martialarts, and i would ask if someone in here knew if you could go to the mountains in japan and train (with a trainer of course) ore something like that?

and i want to ask of something else to.... is there a village in japan were they still lives in the old way and dresses like that? (that is maybe impossible)
i'm in love with japan, i think u all noticed that..
Hmm.. i am no expert in this area, but the "life" you are looking for probably doesn't exist anymore, a hidden mountain killer monk may exist, but the odd of finding one is slim

Oh just a suggestion, try cutting down on animate and manga, it will help.......
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