07-11-2008, 03:31 PM
i know the language quite well, i have been living here for a while and working my ass off for chips (if you want proof look at the hundreds of articles about people teaching english here for long hours hard work and little pay and even illegal work practices on foriegners). Don't make personal attacks at me for something you obviously have no idea about. If you get a japanese girlfriend and bother to ask her what most japanese guys think about foriegners thats the answer you will get.
And with the businessmen thing, its usually if im trying to hand out flyers to them or step infront of them on the train. All you fucking jboy fans need to get over your tunnel vision and realize that japans just as disfunctional as the rest of the world. And if you think im a martor this thread is to say the bad things about japan.
There is plenty of shit i like, i was just pointing out the shit i dont like. Get over your egoist logic and open your eyes if your living here. Japan does have problems and these are the ones i have noticed which i don't like.