Thread: Alice Nine
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adina (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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07-12-2008, 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
@Adii Yay<33
And uhm, I do.
But I've never made an entry before, I don't even have a layout.
I just made an account so that I could be apart of communities and read entries and stuff. XD
To be honest, I don't even know what the link is to my journal. XD
But my account name is xXObscurreXx
so you'll occasionally see my comments on things. ^^

Haha yush, I think it's getting harder for people to write fanfics about him, cuz he's just grown up so much. XD He sure is sexy. *giggles*

yaaay do you mind if I'll add you?? *giggles*
*runs to lj*
I'm gonna add lfa too.I just love that place *giggles*

haha I think you're right,but I love it when people make pon the one who makes the first step *giggles* <333333

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
I do hunnie, I do. X'D

- because ur awesome<3

*touches screen again*
God I'm starting to have a crush on hiroto <333333
-hides under tora-

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
Oh yush.. O_O he shouldn't have.
That big.. lion-head-looking-thingie was kinda hot. -nod-
Lots of poo-faces on this place! *growl*

Haha! I know!
I'm srsly pretty certain it'll confuse the others big time! XD
not moi *ish evil*
mwhahaha I love your idea *giggles*
your girls rock *head-bangs* <3333333 *fruits*

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
I don't think it counts in the lesbians as well.. O_O
does it?

X'D Maybe Shou and the boys got a hidden message in it.
(actually I knew about the gaypride rainbow a LOOONG time ago)

the title 'RAINBOWS' kinda made me think ''YOUR'RE ALL GAY!!'' XD
heeeey don't get me started.THEY ARE NOT GAY!!! -shakes head-
promise me they're not!!!
you know I'm paranoid!!!!! *cherries shou* XD

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
Hahah I always thought it did?
But maybe I'm wrong! *prays that I'm wrong*

Maybe, because Saga named it, Saga is trying to say that he's gay. O_O
That would suck. Just glad Pon didn't name it. *gigglesnort*
yeps saga named it <333333333
but he is not gay *cries*
stop saying they're gay cause they're not
*ish paranoid again*

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
Hahah I dunno. *shrugs*
Saga doesn't seem very gay though. XD

But who says Tora's gay?
MAYBE! Tora helped Saga come up with the title. XDD
thank you daidai *fruits*<333

O___o MY tora gay???? *screams*
though I love the fics with these two *humps tora*

edit: have you girls listen to the preview for Strawberry Fuzz???
nevermind the name XD
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