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(#80 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
Posts: 2,561
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Scotland
07-12-2008, 10:39 AM

Here's another interview..this is with Shin, the drummer xD
I have a similar interview with Yu if anyone wants that posted

Cinema Bizarre - Famous Last Words (Shin) in ROCKOON! 03/2008

Which distinguishing mark about your character do you like best, which one the least?
I like my two personalities. (grins)

What are the three most significant things in your life?
Cinema Bizarre, family & my drums.

What makes you really angry?
When someone breaks my drums.

What makes you laugh?
Everything that's stupid enough.

What makes you cry?
Dir en grey

Your favourite movie?
Final Fantasy VII.

What's the funniest or strangest job you ever pursued?
I once did an intership at LIDL. (laughs)

Which person would you never ever want to meet?
Shin from Cinema Bizarre, this guy would only annoy me.

What did you do with the first money you earned by yourself?
I spent the first money I earned by myself on drumsticks.

How did you earn your first money?
Jobbing in a machinery storage.

What do you want to be your last meal?
It should be a ten-course-menu:
Garlic soup
Tomato soup
Noodles with cheese cream sauce
Pizza Hawaii
Turkey schnitzel
Chocolate ice cream
Streusel roll

What do you especially admire about a person of the opposite sex?
That they're ready to go shopping for a long time.

What was your most painful experience so far?
Having a nail in my head.

When and from who did you receive your first love letter?
Long time ago...

What would you overdraw your account for?
When I'm travelling around in Japan.

Which historical event would you have wanted to take part in?
Good question, but I guess I wouldn't have wanted to take part in one since it would be too exciting for me.

What would you do if you knew that tomorrow would be the end of the world?
Go to a Dir en grey-concert, no matter where.

What does luxury mean to you?
All the things you normally don't need.

Are you important?
Is this [interview] important?

What would you prefer, being buried or being cremated?
That's something I don't wanna think about yet, maybe in about 70 years.

Which one is your biggest addiction: TV, Internet, alcohol, nicotine?
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