Let`s not be too harsh on tommasi.
I`ve never had a problem with him, and although our views may not always match, I don`t see a need to bash him for his.
Now to get back to the actual topic at hand. I was out at a BBQ today, so am a bit late. I see that most of my thoughts on the topic have already been expressed.
I don`t really care *what* opinion he has of Japan. If he wants to think it is a horribly racist place - fine, go ahead. Actually, in his case I`d prefer he DOES think it`s terribly racist as hopefully he`ll leave earlier. What I do care about are the opinions of Japan formed by people who have never so much as visited the country. If I felt he was presenting a valid experience and not just randomly bashing - I wouldn`t have said anything.
But that`s not the case. I can say with as much confidence that native speakers don`t go around saying "shinde" as I can that native English speakers don`t go around saying "copulate you" in place of "fuck you". The meaning may be the same, but if someone said that to you I`m sure you`d laugh long before you were insulted. Which is why I and a number of others do not believe his story at all, and called him out on it. Not to mention "Daikokujin".
i know the language quite well, i have been living here for a while
If I am to believe the countless number of other posts you`ve made, you`ve been living here since... March? You may have picked up a bit of the language, but I`d say it`s probably a
huge stretch to say well - as if you did, you wouldn`t have screwed up half the Japanese used in your message.
working my ass off for chips (if you want proof look at the hundreds of articles about people teaching english here for long hours hard work and little pay and even illegal work practices on foriegners)
While I find a lot of this suspect for the reasons outlined by Henbaka - there is always someone who makes the mistake of agreeing to awful working conditions. You may very well be having a horrible time at your job.
However... You can look for another. For one thing, you`re here on a working holiday visa, and working part time. The average rate for part time English teachers is around 2500/hr. If you feel you`re being exploited, you`re not here on a working visa... So you can leave your job at any time! Look for something else if things are so bad!
Schools around here just love working holiday visa holders because they can work full time without the school having to go through the trouble of arranging a visa and bringing them to Japan. That alone saves a huge amount of money. They are paid the regular salary, which is VERY comfortable. Look around.
Don't make personal attacks at me for something you obviously have no idea about. If you get a japanese girlfriend and bother to ask her what most japanese guys think about foriegners thats the answer you will get.
I don`t believe that I know no idea about this...
I`ve never had a Japanese girlfriend, so please, clarify - How exactly does having a Japanese
girlfriend give you an intimate look into the
male mind? I`m honestly curious about this, as I don`t think having an American
girlfriend would give anyone a magical understanding of the American
guy`s mind.
And with the businessmen thing, its usually if im trying to hand out flyers to them or step infront of them on the train.
Ever think that maybe, just maybe, it`s what you`re
doing that`s the problem? Because, you know what, I don`t think anyone likes having someone shove fliers in their face or jump in front of them on the train. It has nothing to do with your color and everything to do with just being flat out irritating.