Thread: Alice Nine
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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07-12-2008, 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post

yaaay do you mind if I'll add you?? *giggles*
*runs to lj*
I'm gonna add lfa too.I just love that place *giggles*

haha I think you're right,but I love it when people make pon the one who makes the first step *giggles* <333333

*touches screen again*
God I'm starting to have a crush on hiroto <333333
-hides under tora-

not moi *ish evil*
mwhahaha I love your idea *giggles*
your girls rock *head-bangs* <3333333 *fruits*

heeeey don't get me started.THEY ARE NOT GAY!!! -shakes head-
promise me they're not!!!
you know I'm paranoid!!!!! *cherries shou* XD

yeps saga named it <333333333
but he is not gay *cries*
stop saying they're gay cause they're not
*ish paranoid again*

thank you daidai *fruits*<333

O___o MY tora gay???? *screams*
though I love the fics with these two *humps tora*

edit: have you girls listen to the preview for Strawberry Fuzz???
nevermind the name XD

Haha go ahead and add me! But I don't even know how to accept friend requests. XDD I'm really a lj n00b. XD

Ahh yush, I love that too. He just makes him seem even sexier. XD
A crush on Hiroto, eh? *puts naked Shou and Tora on Adii's lap*

Aww we didn't confuse? Well, it sure is confusing me. XD
I log in and I'm like 'Whoa, why am I logged on to Nan's account?' Hahaha I'm such an idiot. XD

Haha you're right. They're not gay! No, no, way! XD
They honestly don't seem very gay at all to me. I mean, besides the really strange song titles, they don't act gay.

And yush! I have heard the preview! It sounds so awesome<333 I can't wait to hear the full song. Strawberry Fuzz... hahah you're right Ore, they should have named it Peach Fuzz. XD
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