Wow thanks a lot for all the replies
First thanks to Miak. I checked out the website you suggested for studying Japanese and its really awesome.
I realize that it won't be easy to find a good job in Japan, with a Japanese degree. But will it be that much easier with a German/American degree? I doubt it. Getting a Japanese degree also might help me in other countries, so that if I really fail in Japan I can go back to something. I am not sure about what I want to study but I know that I want to go to Japan. I also believe that it is possible to build up a decent amount of contacts in 4 years and perhaps start developing things from there. Going to Japan will certainly not be easy but at least it will be interesting
SILS, Sofia and ICU look pretty sweet, thanks for the advice
ps. can someone tell me how to quote other people in a forum xD, haven't quite figured that out yet