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(#241 (permalink))
kennooo (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 14
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Tokyo
07-13-2008, 01:16 AM

Ok no matter what family member hacks up what other family member or the ignorance that is systemic in the Japanese people the one thing that is truly positive in Japan is the lack of any serious drug problem.

I am not saying that there are no drugs in Japan but there is not a problem here like there is in the western world. I am from Canada and after living in Japan for a few years and then returning home I was reverse culture shocked at how normal it was considered by almost everyone to do drugs. And how many families are destroyed by this plague on society.

The average Japanese person has never even seen marijuana and most who have saw it when they where abroad. So this results in a society that does not have street gang wars with teenagers shooting each other over “turf”. Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world and yet I can honestly say there is no where I’m afraid to go at any time of the day or night. I wish I could say that about Toronto, Vancouver or and major city in the USA.

As far a racism goes it does exist here and it does get to me sometimes but it has never put me in danger unlike my one black friend in Toronto who told me “ You’re a nice guy but you wouldn’t last 2 minutes in my neighborhood” Japanese people are more afraid of what they don’t know rather they hating. And they generally don’t what to deal with foreigners because of language problems rather than race problems.

In Canada nothing pisses me off more then immigrants who move there and try to change things to make it more like their home country. I always say “if your home country was so great why did you move here?” So how could I move to Japan and expect the people here to change to be like westerners. And now nothing pisses me off more then people who move here and expect the Japanese to be more western to them I say “GO HOME IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT”

I have lived here for 6 years I am also a business owner, married to a wonderful Japanese woman, and own property. I have realized that you can’t fight the system and if you play by their rules life is not that hard here. But if you come here and expect it to be like home it’s a real up hill battle.
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