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(#244 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
07-13-2008, 04:44 AM

Point one: did Billyswierd say he worked passing out fliers and stepping in front of people? Of course people whisper that stuff at him. He's not in an office but jumping in front of others and trying to force them to take a flyer. I say all kinds of garbage to those people as annoying as they are.

Point two: Japan has TONS of drugs. Maybe not as much as the states, but they're not open like the states, either. Every young person knew where to get them. The biggest group of drugs users in Japan are housewives and taxi drivers. Methamphetamines or speed, the drug of choice in Japan. Marijuana isn't as popular. Speed fits the culture better.

The Yakuza are the biggest movers of Ice, meth dirivitive, in the world. Factories were in north Korea and moved to China. The governments help the Yakuza manufacture it andt hey move it.

The Japanese invented methamphetimines during the war and gave it to their troops to keep them fired up. It allows people to keep working and, great for dieters, suppresses the appitite.
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