Thread: Alice Nine
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adina (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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07-13-2008, 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
Haha go ahead and add me! But I don't even know how to accept friend requests. XDD I'm really a lj n00b. XD

Ahh yush, I love that too. He just makes him seem even sexier. XD
A crush on Hiroto, eh? *puts naked Shou and Tora on Adii's lap*

Aww we didn't confuse? Well, it sure is confusing me. XD
I log in and I'm like 'Whoa, why am I logged on to Nan's account?' Hahaha I'm such an idiot. XD

Haha you're right. They're not gay! No, no, way! XD
They honestly don't seem very gay at all to me. I mean, besides the really strange song titles, they don't act gay.

And yush! I have heard the preview! It sounds so awesome<333 I can't wait to hear the full song. Strawberry Fuzz... hahah you're right Ore, they should have named it Peach Fuzz. XD
haha you go on the page of the one who added you and add back *nods*
I know it's pretty complicated but you get used to it
whoaaa I found an awesome layout with hiroto for lj *dies*

oiii don't get me started *has a threesome with tora and shou *
you asked for it <333

no cause I got used to your it by now,but it sure confused me when I first saw it

you always know how to put things and you calm me down *bananas*
the titles are weird but eh ... I luv the songs anyways *plays rainbows*

peach fuzz?? *giggles insanely*
that's insane ore *fruits* <333

nan@not confused anymore XD
omg boys love was sad x33 NOOOOOOO nan NOOOOOO *runs in circles screaming*
I like tora straight and that's how it shall remains O_O"
though I remember his blog when he said ashton kutcher is the sexiest man alive -dies-

ohhh vanilla works too.Why am I thinking at gackt? XD
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