07-14-2008, 02:48 PM
That arrives sometimes here in France too, especially in Normandia where there was high level bombing on major cities before D-Day or in other major cities in the country where there was high german troop concentration or weapon factories (our weapon factories, especially aircraft, engines, ... were forced to work for the germans in WWII).
Habitually, there is no problem. Police make population evacuate the dangerous area and the engineers from the Army are proceeding to the bomb neutralisation. This happens about from a bit less than each a year (sometimes the bombs have fallen deep inside the ground and didn't explose, they generally find them after digging before building new buildings, tunnels, etc...)
When the authorities are well organised, they won't be any problem to get rid of these bombs. That takes generally less than a day.

Qu'est ce qui pourrait être plus beau que les fleurs de cerisier?
さくらのはなが だいすきですよ!
(Sakura no hana ga daisuki desu yo!)