07-14-2008, 03:20 PM
oh yay! go for it! i will send you a copy of the first chapter tomorrow if i can type it all out! lol but its bascially a story of an Angel (who is the guardian of the gate of heaven) and how she fell in love with a Demon (who is acually not evil at all) but since love between angels and demons is forbidden, they keep their love a secret. but when the Demon Lord (Lucifer) finds out about this, he uses it to his advantage, he starts controlling the demon's mind to do his bidding. the angel notices the changes in her lovers attitude, and realizes what is going on, so she battles him, wins, but now has to go into hiding, that way no one can extract the secret of how to break the gate of heaven from her soul. so, she casts her soul into earth for eternity, as reincarnation. because she does this, she will not remember that she is an angel. theres more to it, but i dont wanna give it all away lol
I am the Beautiful Nightmare who lurks in your dreams
I am The Goddess Of Imaginary Light
I am The Gardian of The Gates Of Heaven
I am The Almighty Vampire you fear