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Henbaka (Offline)
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Posts: 472
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Location: Tokyo
07-15-2008, 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The experience of a white man in Japan is not the same as the experience of a black man in America. People say "now you know what it feels like to be a minority" but when 95 out of 100 interactions are positive it isn't the same as when 95 out of 100 experiences are negative.
Clap clap.

Saying you know how it is to be "black in america" (or you could swap america for almost any of the western or eastern countries) just because you got a few looks in the subway in Japan (or something similar) is absurd and ridicilous. Sure I too saw some old and young people gleaning at me when I was in Japan last. But that's just not the same thing, really.

I can't say what percentage of the japanese population are using drugs. But as for instance Tokyo is a very large metropol, with tons of people of all sorts, ofcourse there are drugs there. Much drugs.

But the amount of drugs you "just come in contact with" without seeking for it is _MINIMAL_ in my experience. I would say, for example, you'd be more likely to encounter drugs in a medium sized swedish city, than Tokyo. That goes for violence also actually, sure I saw a few fights or disturbances in the Tokyo nightlife. But in my not-so-large hometown, if you go down to the club area of the town at e.g. saturday night, there will ALWAYS be police cars there, taking people with them, stopping fights, whatever. I never once got approached violently in Tokyo, despite numerous nights on the town.

You still might get assaulted or offered drugs in Tokyo. But I've been to many places of a MUCH smaller size which had substantially worse problems.

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